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Principal's Page


School #3 Principal, Mrs. Castiello


Oaks School #3 is a community of learners dedicated to the academic, social, and emotional success of all our students. The guiding principles of our school include a rigorous curriculum, critical thinking, and a safe, nurturing environment where students are encouraged to take educational risks. Our teachers utilize a wide range of instructional practices and opportunities for differentiation to meet the individual needs of all students.

Parents are an integral part of our school community. Our staff works diligently to communicate with families and maintain ongoing, two-way communication regarding our instructional programs, student progress, and opportunities for parents to be actively engaged in our school. I encourage all families to maintain an open line of communication with teachers, support staff, and administration. It takes a village to raise a child and we are all part of the School #3 “village.” 

We are very proud of the accomplishments that each of our students and teachers achieve each day. Our academic programs are strong and provide students with opportunities to expand their thinking and to apply their knowledge. 

One of our major goals at School #3 is to promote positive social development in our students. We continue to offer students an opportunity to develop their skills through positive experiences each and every day. 

Our PTA is extremely supportive and demonstrates its willingness to support our children and staff in many ways. Our PTA provides several Arts in Education programs, including guest authors, musicals, and motivational speakers. Special activities include a Back-to-School BBQ, dances, and book fairs. The dedication of the PTA provides students with additional examples of how important it is to support community efforts.

From Tiny Acorns to Mighty Oaks